Release notes

0.82.0 (2024-07-23)


  • Changed the export file of Read Points to be a .csv
  • Added a new Auto triggered reading mode
  • Added a button to download all masterdata from Master Data home page


  • Regex wildcard validation on Master Data details

0.81.2 (2024-07-16)


  • Fix tdt parameters not sent to frontend

0.81.0 (2024-07-15)


  • Add observation count filter option to the observation filter
  • Updated GS1 Tag Data Translation to v2.0 of the standard
  • Add force Master Data Sync and show last master data sync in information on TouchPoint
  • Add ability to upload master data with CSV file


  • Various issues in TouchPoint layout and styling

0.80.0 (2024-07-08)


  • Add Carrier Location type
  • Create swanky Sankey charts


  • Added a Null check in the RFID tag reducer
  • Minor fixes in Flow

0.79.2 (2024-07-01)


  • Enabling TID breaks the observation page when used with handhelds tested with RFD 8500
  • Fix some minor issues in WebApp
  • Association button become unusable after opening association popup
  • Fix Supply Chain dashboard
  • Fix RangePicker on EPCIS Events page
  • Fixed a bug where a custom icon would cause the workspace text to no longer fit
  • Fixed a bug where creating a workspace failed when the random emoji is used

0.79.0 (2024-06-25)


  • Application statusbar color is now updated with the current frontend color


  • Optimize API requests and add maximum workspace image upload size
  • Fixed a bug where Read Points could be added to multiple locations
  • ReadPoint Log page still had issue setting specific dates
  • Removed sorting from Documents and HookLog page since only the first page was being sorted
  • Remove uncessary indices on EpcStatus and EpcisEventStorage
  • Fix a bug where maps sometimes rendered with an incorrect map projection
  • MasterData not recently synchronised issue
  • Fix a bug where the supply chain live map sometimes rendered with an incorrect map projection
  • Keonn AdvanPay identifies as M6e Nano
  • When hooks are started, sometimes documents or actions are not yet available
  • Link to create an account was broken on touch point association page of the App
  • Workspace cannot be named the same after deleting it previously
  • Fix layout issue in Settings form
  • Hard to read text in No Reader specified popup
  • Fix a bug where the supply chain live map sometimes rendered with an incorrect map projection

0.78.1 (2024-06-18)


  • Missing company prefix lengths are now available on our tag-encoding endpoints

0.78.0 (2024-06-17)


  • Add search field for business transaction
  • Improved the loading screen on Android device and added a retry screen in case it fails


  • ReadPoint Log date picker is broken
  • Removed the white spacing on top of the screen of the mobile application and fixed reconnection upon moving app to background
  • Fixed sizing of custom logo on touchpoint
  • Sometimes Hook jobs get stuck
  • Mobile app loading screen fix

0.77.1 (2024-06-14)


  • Fix issue with automatic stop

0.77.0 (2024-06-10)


  • Improved performance of Zebra handheld barcode scanner


  • Battery icon now also responsive to background color of workspace
  • Blank screen on Android devices

0.76.0 (2024-06-04)


  • Add delete endpoint for locations to aid synchronisation
  • Make the popups on handheld devices closable
  • Locations edit add GUI
  • Replace the date range picker on the read point log page
  • Add maximum body size of 10mb


  • Fix path handling
  • Fix copyable uri
  • Fix readpoint uri validation2
  • Read point form complains about an empty uri not being unique
  • EPCIS fix random item
  • Fix epcis events query
  • Fix popover in readpoint
  • Fix some issues in EPCIS
  • Master data icon sync is confusing
  • EPCIS do not modify EPCIS events directly when adding location
  • Loading chunk failed errors are still showing up
  • Hook log backwards compatible fix

0.75.0 (2024-05-13)


  • Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS):
    • Add download button to events element
    • Add reload button to items stock transactions page
    • Made EpcStatus location API public
    • Validated compliance
    • Added GUI
    • Added live EPCIS event map
  • Added support for the new tunnel algorithm restructure
  • Add angles to observation actions
  • Implementation for WebHook-based action and document hooks


  • Fix URL redirect after logging in
  • Fix maps not rendering
  • Enqueue button not enabled on Hook logging page
  • The Zebra printer is now rebooted with the Raw channel if the Config channel does not connect in time
  • Added Enabled to RfidMetrics when connecting

0.74.2 (2024-04-30)


  • Sometimes when you have the log page open, new actions are not directly shown

0.74.0 (2024-04-29)


  • Added a QR scanner library to the available Frontend libraries
  • Improved Frontend error boundaries


  • Make the serial uppercase in the Frontend
  • If ZPL is empty in trigger, the log page crashes
  • Fix obsolete warning in Vies library
  • Zebra printers not connecting properly
  • Zebra printer shows invalid connection uptime
  • Custom color on the touch point page is broken
  • API calls from GitHub users are unauthorized

0.73.0 (2024-04-22)


  • Show timestamp and device id in error boundaries
  • Added alert to show when the user is running an old browser
  • Ability to upload custom logo for a workspace
  • Added the ability to upgrade all readers at once
  • Added a serialisation API that can be used to create serial number ranges and to request serial numbers from these ranges


  • Touch Point rendered hooks in different order than before
  • Restore the default touch point bar color when no custom color is set
  • When disassociating a Touch Point from the Read Point home page the reader is not automatically
  • Creating a new tunnel application on harmony is broken
  • Zebra printer reduce backend load
  • Switching between applications on a read point is broken
  • Fixed the Kathrein update script by changing the ca-certificates extension to .crt
  • Fixed memory leaks in zebra printer service

0.72.2 (2024-04-08)


  • Increased Zebra printer connection delay to prevent overloading the service

0.72.1 (2024-04-08)


  • Fixed various Zebra printer service bugs

0.72.0 (2024-04-02)


  • Zebra regulation standards to Harmony regulation standards no longer mismatch
  • Deleted applications no longer appear in the Read Point application list

0.71.0 (2024-03-11)


  • Added Chainway C72 Handheld support


  • Hooks were disabled after workspace updates

0.70.2 (2024-03-06)


  • RFID Capabilities are now set in the Connect function, added a list of supported regulations
  • Updating a workspace disables the hook api

0.70.2 (2024-03-05)


  • Reader agent version casing fix

0.70.0 (2024-03-04)


  • Added a "variant" field to the ReaderAgent version API call so the backend is able to determine the Dotnet version without using the model and brand.
  • Add ability to delete workspace


  • Fixed the Kathrein start and installation scripts which prevented it from updating and establishing a SSL connection.
  • 759 Deleting a tag does not replace it to last version in Read Points

0.69.1 (2024-02-28)


  • Fix for PWA on iOS
  • Fix FCC regulation settings on Zebra
  • Fix issues with new printer controller

0.69.0 (2024-02-26)


  • Ability to customise color of touchpoint bar


  • Problem with FX Zebra based readers
  • Filters in hooks log are still broken
  • The cancel button on the settings page can be pressed multiple times
  • Touchpoint local storage is not always cleared properly

0.68.1 (2024-02-21)


  • Logging out of harmony redirects you to http localhost
  • Fix FCC regulation settings
  • Hook authorization is checked at subscription information

0.68.0 (2024-02-19)


  • Zebra 3.25.70 firmware
  • Disable hook access by default
  • Touchpoint authorization restrictions


  • Null check transport disconnect
  • Automatic stop does not work on zebra handhelds
  • Country based automatic setting of frequency regulation is not reliable

0.67.2 (2024-02-14)


  • Fix Impinj channel hopping issue with FCC based readers

0.67.0 (2024-02-12)


  • Ability to disable GPI change actions
  • Improve audio feedback on reading
  • Add warning if you are going to overwrite changes from somebody else
  • Impinj authentication service
  • Added buttons to calibrate zebra printers


  • Resolved hook log page pagination stuck on the first page
  • Last Master Data sync is not updating

0.66.0 (2024-01-29)


  • Add ability to remove yourself from a workspace


  • If internet is infinitely slow but working some button presses in touchpoint are delayed
  • Resizing the website causes the page to reload
  • Make sure updater works correctly in bad internet conditions
  • Zebra industrial barcode reader produces two no barcode read actions when no barcode is read
  • Issue with barcode reader on mc33x
  • Issue with two times apply settings in zebra

0.65.0 (2024-01-22)


  • 670 Add setting to action sound play on RFID arrive
  • 680 Add database libraries for Hooks
  • 136 Document editor with Monaco editor instead of regular input
  • 660 Printer cutter command is now shown in the log of the read point


  • 675 Fixed an issue with Vietnam regulatory support
  • 683 Enqueuing a hook shows a flickering modal
  • 685 Revoking a touchpoint while the android application is closed bricks the application
  • 692 Issues with mc33x

0.64.1 (2024-01-08)


  • Read Point details does not show correct touchpoint connection
  • Hook log filtering does not work

0.64.0 (2024-01-04)


  • Switched to web sockets only
  • Integrate zebra fs industrial barcode scanners
  • Create ability to revoke touchpoint
  • Add option to restore an application to the code of a tag


  • When adding touchpoint to iPad homescreen it takes url from manifest
  • Regulation logging fixes
  • If Master Data is not synchronised recently show error
  • New version available bar keeps popping up
  • Add logging for handheld trigger in Zebra handheld
  • On zebra country regulation fix
  • Read Point details page shows firmware updates for zebra readers when a printer is connected
  • Package zebra ci fix
  • Settings page key value is shown as number instead of string
  • Fix several issues with app based reading
  • Null reference exception on zebra handheld when connecting
  • Fix the fullscreen slider
  • Read Point filtering does not survive a refresh of the page

0.63.0 (2023-12-11)


  • Improve master-data sync
  • Apply frequency regulations to reader configuration
  • For all drawers make screen width the maximum width


  • Workspace sider does not collapse
  • Restore disconnect count with zebra
  • Responsive ui bugfixes
  • Several logging fixes
  • On observation page dots per antenna are not working anymore
  • Connection issues app fixes
  • Also add Axios time out to hooks
  • Exception in calculating latency statistics

0.62.1 (2023-12-05)


  • Set Axios time-out back to 30s
  • Fix displaying reading state on Read Point home for new versions

0.62.0 (2023-12-04)


  • Make image fit in the thumbnail on Master Data page
  • Spacing issues settings menu
  • Read Point RFID settings are duplicated
  • Fix issue with deleting jobs
  • Change Harmony e-mail address back to original values
  • Cancel Master Data sync upon disassociation
  • Another round of handheld fixes
  • Nan is an invalid value for the s css style property s margin bottom
  • On iPhones with dynamic island a white bar is shown in the top of the app

0.61.0 (2023-11-27)


  • CSL handheld support
  • Make font awesome available for customer apps


  • Various issues with applications in touchpoint
  • Showing document content modal opens multiple times if clicked in rapid succession
  • Fix run hooks in parallel
  • When using harmony app triggers to other Read Points are not processed
  • Start reading trigger within the application Read Point runner accepts events
  • Various bug fixes in app

0.60.1 (2023-11-21)


  • Fix in Impinj version naming scheme

0.60.0 (2023-11-21)


  • Add QR code scan capability to link handhelds with a touchpoint
  • Show notifications in app if no RFID or barcode peripheral is connected
  • Improve logging of error messages in Applications, including support for notifications
  • Improve RFID reading API with per-read settings like output power and automatically stop
  • Add Impinj 8.2 firmware release


  • Editing a document breaks the pagination of the page
  • Restore Impinj status LED functionality on firmware 8.2 or higher
  • Saving settings on iOS not working for offline working
  • Delete button on hook logs page has unexpected behaviour when disabled
  • When a triggered reader is already reading and you open the observation page it shows it is not
  • Console log inside of a hook now shows all parameters
  • Android 12 launch screen fix in icon rounding

0.59.0 (2023-11-13)


  • Chainway reader implementation
  • Kathrein reader implementation


  • Reader link on the details page is broken
  • Reduce memory usage of reader by not allocating all Read Point actions in observation filter

0.58.0 (2023-11-06)


  • Reduce all paddings of components with design tokens
  • Myruns reader support


  • Fix unique tag report on Zebra handheld readers
  • Improved usb exception handling for zebra
  • Button is not shown on subscription page

0.57.0 (2023-10-30)


  • If there is a single job processing it shows as succeeded jobs

0.56.0 (2023-10-23)


  • Enable offline functionality for Touch Points


  • For all tables check minimum column widths on mobile screens
  • Error screen did not work on mobile
  • Delete all and requeue all buttons on Hook job log page were broken
  • Master data V1 Controller could return a Http500 error
  • Touch Point disabled after switching the reader
  • Make time out of api hooks longer
  • Read Point log page shows large copyable items
  • Tag data translation API returned http500 when input was missing
  • Add more logging for connecting to peripherals

0.55.0 (2023-10-16)


  • Add time out to process and kill
  • Add ps aux output to zebra reader on issues
  • Do not check NTP servers every minute
  • Dispose process
  • Out of memory on zebra readers

0.54.0 (2023-10-09)


  • Hooklog pagination
  • Use new JSX transform
  • New hook body input


  • Online editor gets slower after a while
  • Styling missing on older browsers

0.53.0 (2023-10-02)


  • Sort applications in dropdown in edit Read Point alphabetically
  • Touchpoint association improvements for apps


  • Restored page size for loading master data

0.52.0 (2023-09-25)


  • Added a default sort for hook and applications
  • Changed Read Point URI's from https to http


  • Ant design 5 workspace menu overflow fix
  • Added some things in google spreadsheet support
  • Workspace menu has been made twice as high
  • Read point page graphs was broken in production
  • Fixed workspace menu on safari
  • The layout of the document modal was broken since Ant design v5
  • GS1 translate api call failed in test
  • More optimisations for the RFD8500 without barcode scanner
  • Added default sort for all lists for our database as a permanent solution to the bugfix from 0.51.1

0.51.1 (2023-09-20)


  • Added a work-around for a problem with MasterData synchronisation

0.51.0 (2023-09-18)


  • Added new gcp file
  • Added google speedsheets lib for Hooks
  • Updated templates for Antd V5 and reading TID memory


  • Fixed filters do not work on a reload of the page
  • Fixed various warnings and errors in latest app release
  • Fixed settings drawer does not update on close

0.50.0 (2023-09-04)


  • Ant Design upgrade v4 to v5


  • Prevent HTTP500 error when searching for unknown slugs
  • Infinite load in ScreensOpen
  • Fixed settings dropdown staying open after selecting setting

0.49.0 (2023-08-29)


  • Added optional filtering to only read specific barcode types
  • Create an endpoint to accept non json formatted data


  • Fixed serving apk file

0.48.0 (2023-08-28)


  • Add logging to show the reason the reader reconnects
  • Added prompts to prevent losing unsaved changes for Hooks


  • TC20 app crashed on startup
  • Master Data does not need reload on first render
  • Hook and Application pages crash on reload
  • Fixed page history
  • Zebra SSI barcode scanner breaks on multiple triggers

0.47.0 (2023-08-21)


  • Support for the TC20, RFD2000 and RFD40
  • Added the possibility to delete filtered data


  • Fixed 'last modified by'
  • Reduced printer warnings in printer service
  • Exceptions thrown from async calls in hooks are logged as 'harmony error'
  • Custom reader agent version not working
  • Hooks can not return an empty object
  • Error can occur when opening an application

0.46.0 (2023-07-24)


  • Ability to delete Master Data and Documents by filter
  • Apps can work offline again (partial functionality)


  • Improved reliability with access commands for LLRP-based readers
  • Fixed 'last modified' filter on Documents and Master Data page
  • Fix issue in latency calculation
  • Improved error logging with Hooks

0.45.0 (2023-07-18)


  • Support for RFD8500 barcode scanner on iOS and Android
  • Filters and pagination are persistent (by URL bar and in navigation)
  • Auto-save functionality for documents now available
  • Latency metrics on Actions for readers


  • Reduce maximum array size in harmonyConsole.log
  • Fix an issue where the internal info was still printed on the RFID label
  • Bugfixes in the code editor (undo functionality, unable to save/prettify on error, when changing to another application/hook)

0.44.0 (2023-07-03)


  • Create a Touch Point using a link


  • Read Point page has undefined routes

0.43.0 (2023-06-26)


  • Show who made changes to an application


  • Show 'object' as content type instead of 'string' for contents of master data and documents

0.42.2 (2023-06-21)


  • Fix hanging page on ‘Waiting for authentication token…’

0.42.1 (2023-06-14)


  • Fixed adding a reader to a new Read Point

0.42.0 (2023-06-12)


  • Integrate IO units for the new tunnel architecture


  • Disabled changing the workspace slug
  • Add timestamps back in to hooks
  • Improved logging for the Zebra printer
  • Reader selection disabled if reader is an app reader

0.41.0 (2023-06-05)


  • Export Read points to an excel file
  • Updated printing application template

0.40.1 (2023-05-22)


  • Added a default email address for bouncing emails
  • Added additional logging when receiving messages from a printer fails
  • Fixed sorting and disabled 'no data available' message on the logpage

0.40.0 (2023-05-15)


  • Added the possibility to add a description for an application
  • Made application template list scrollable


  • Made the icon clearable when creating a new application
  • Fixed adding a Sepa Bank account

0.39.0 (2023-05-08)


  • Sped up hook execution
  • RFD8500 Support for IOS
  • Select an icon when creating a new application


  • Fixed saving with Reading with Master Data template
  • Fixed hidden info was still printed on some label designs
  • Read Point log page did not show all actions

0.38.1 (2023-04-13)


  • Impinj RShell bugfix for long running readers

0.38.0 (2023-04-04)


  • Changed Zebra printers to Feed instead of calibrate when closing the head
  • Fixed support for NXP TIDs
  • Fixed utf8 support in prettier for applications and hooks
  • Fixed a possible bug in the Zebra reader communication
  • Fixed session support for LLRP based readers

0.37.0 (2023-03-27)


  • Improved Zebra printer support
  • Added all action types when using an action Hook


  • Fixed a bug in the Zebra firmware updater
  • Updated formatting of the Hook templates
  • Ignore code changes when switching applications with breadcrumbs

0.36.1 (2023-03-20)


  • Ability to update Zebra/Impinj device firmware remotely
  • Improved tunnel algorithm with previous/next box detection


  • Minor LLRP fix
  • Updated 'print rfid' template
  • Fixed hostname detection for Keonn AdvanPay

0.35.2 (2023-03-14)


  • Reverted open api package to resolve array's being serialized with indices

0.35.1 (2023-03-14)


  • Minor fix in PLC communication

0.35.0 (2023-03-14)


  • Change way of handling master-data in Applications


  • Fix HTTP500 error when Read Point reference was unknown in API calls
  • Improve log page for PrinterPrint actions
  • Application template bugfixes

0.34.1 (2023-03-07)


  • Final fix for Zebra readers in configuring NTP properly

0.34.0 (2023-03-06)


  • Fix Read Point switcher in breadcrumbs in the web front-end
  • Add additional logging for (very, very) rare cloud connectivity issues
  • Fix support for Keonn AdvanPay 120
  • Check NTP configuration at every boot on Zebra, and fix if the server is not set to

Network changes:

  • Switch to as NTP server over to increase reliability

0.33.2 (2023-02-27)


  • Various improvements in NTP logging for readers


  • Database migration

0.33.1 (2023-02-20)


  • Fix for NTP check in Impinj (run in background)

0.33.0 (2023-02-20)


  • Show current time, NTP servers and synchronisation status on Read Point Details page


  • Fixed a (very) rare connection issue with the Harmony backend
  • Fixed dropdown in breadcrumbs to be a scrollable menu
  • Fixed bug in showing Reader Agent versions
  • Fixed bug in obtaining Frequency Regulations for Zebra FCC readers

0.32.0 (2023-02-23)


  • New method of tagging applications
  • Optimise performance for Android and iOS app
  • Readers share capabilities with backend (GPIO, antenna port count, regulations support)
  • ReadPoint details page shares reader capabilities and location
  • Redesigned unused readers drawer
  • Dynamic slowdown of conveyor in tunnel for large-sized containers
  • Set a reader to a pre-release version, or pin it to an existing version


  • Writing tags on Zebra is slow
  • Fix streaming of observation on ReadPointHome page when using a filter

Applications and Hooks:

  • Add react-swipeable
  • Add recharts