Most RFID applications will require some user interaction. A user needs to take action if a box is not according to the shipment manifest, a user would like to understand his or her service actions, etc. etc.
Nedap Harmony provides functionality to develop those kind of apps inside the platform. Those applications have User Interfaces, and can be used by end users in a production environment.
React & Ant.Design
Applications are developed in JavaScript using React. React is an often used, simple to learn JavaScript library for building user interfaces. More information and tutorials on React can be found here: In Harmony, you can choose to use either a React Component or a React Hook. We would recommend to build a React Hook, as that is the most future proof approach.
Nedap Harmony also provides a UI component library to use: Ant.Design. This is the same component library that is used for the main Nedap Harmony app, and can also be used in your custom applications. More information here:
Available libraries
Other than the UI design library, the following libraries can be used:
- lodash - Helper functions
- moment - MomentJS, work with dates and times
- digital-link.js - create digital link barcodes
- xlsx - xlsx, work with Excel files
- react-barcode - create barcodes on-screen
- qrcode.react - create QR codes on-screen
- react-moment - manipulate time display easily in React
More libraries can be added on request.
Updated almost 3 years ago