The state object represents the current state of the Read Point within your application. It contains properties related to RFID functionality, General Purpose Inputs (GPIs), printer settings, and automation features. When using RFID in the application the state.seenSinceLastClearobject can for example provide an easier way of controlling the RFID reader and reading RFID tags. Although the same can be done by using triggers and actions.


The rfid property within the state object is an object with the state of the RFID reader connected to the Read Point. Besides that it contains functions to enable/disable the reader named: startReading stopReading. It also contains an seenSinceLastClear object and a current object. The seenSinceLastClear object can be used to keep a list of RFID tags read since the last time the list is cleared. To enable this functionality the seenSinceLastClear.enable() function should be called. After that the list of seenSinceLastClear.epcs contains the list of read epcs. When the read tags are GS1 encoded the seenSinceLastClear also contains an array called gtinQuantities with the epcs grouped by gtin.

General Purpose Inputs

The gpis property within the state object is an array that contains information about the connected GPI ports. Per connected GPI an object with the active portNumber and level will be added to the array.


The printer property within the state object shows the current printer state when there is a printer connected to the Read Point.


The automation property within the state object shows the current automation state when there is an automation device ( for example an RFID tunnel) added to the Read Point.


  1. rfid (object):
    1. enabled (boolean):
      • Indicates whether RFID functionality is currently enabled (true) or disabled (false).
    2. seenSinceLastClear (object):
      • Contains information about RFID tags that have been seen since the last clear operation. It includes the following properties:
        • epcs (array): An array of EPC (Electronic Product Code) codes for the seen since the last clear operation.
        • gtinQuantities (array): An array of GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) codes seen since the last clear operation.
    3. current (object):
      • Contains information about currently detected RFID tags. It includes the following properties:
        • epcs (array): An array of EPC codes for the currently detected RFID tags.
        • gtinQuantities (array): An array of GTIN codes for the currently detected RFID tags.
  2. **gpis** (array):
    • Per connected GPI an object with the active portNumber and level.
  3. **printer** (object):
    • Contains the state of the printer when one is connected to the Read Point.
  4. **automation** (object):
    • Contains the state of an Automation when one is connected to the Read Point.

Example code:

export default function Application({ state }) {
  const { startReading, stopReading, enabled } = state.rfid
  const { enable, clear, gtinQuantities } = state.rfid.seenSinceLastClear

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [enable])

  return (
      style={{ width: '100%' }}
          icon={<PlayCircleOutlined />}
          Start Reading
          icon={<PauseCircleOutlined />}
          Stop Reading
        <Button onClick={clear} size="large" icon={<RollbackOutlined />}>
            title: 'GTIN',
            dataIndex: 'gtin',
            key: 'gtin',
            title: 'Quantity',
            dataIndex: 'quantity',
            key: 'quantity',