Nedap Harmony provides two additional mechanisms for data exchange: Master Data and Documents.
- Master Data consists of (near) static information related to products, locations and parties. Master Data is typically synchronised to Harmony on a regular basis, it is not created inside Harmony.
- Documents documents contain information that is used in both Applications and Hooks. It is typical for documents to be both synchronised to Harmony and being created in Harmony.
Let's consider a typical example RFID application: box-level shipment verification.
- Product information is loaded in Harmony via the Master Data API. This is a description of items, including an image. This happens at midnight, either with an external caller or a Hook.
- The shipment reference is loaded in Harmony via the Documents API. This is a list of expected products and quantities.
- An Application will be developed that compares the shipment reference (Document) versus the RFID items. When the user verified the shipment, a new Document is created that contains the result of the shipment verification.
- With a daily running Hook, all newly created Documents are uploaded to an external SFTP server.
Updated about 4 years ago